By:Lisa Holliman Updated: Feb. 17, 2021, 2:26 p.m.
If you live in a country with high IVF costs and don’t have health insurance covering these procedures, you may be looking outside of your country for IVF treatment. There are many countries overseas that offer high-quality IVF treatments with high success rates for a fraction of the price you’ll pay at home.
Read on to learn more about some of the countries that offer the lowest IVF prices and what you can expect to pay.
If you are also looking for more information about IVF treatment – you will find it here IVF explained, tips & tricks in 2021
What does IVF cost abroad?
In the US, IVF can cost anywhere between $10,000 and $15,000. These prices are for the most basic IVF procedures. If you need additional options, such as donor eggs or sperm, the cost will be even higher.
These costs don’t include the medications necessary for IVF, which typically costs around $3,000. You may accrue even more charges if you decide to have genetic testing on the embryos, if you need to store embryos, or if you have to travel for care.
These costs can be insurmountable for many couples. You may have to save for many years, which you may not have if you’re already of advanced maternal age, or you may wind up taking out significant loans. If you want to avoid these costs, your best option may be to go overseas for your IVF treatment.
IVF costs in both Europe and Asia are considerably lower than what you’ll pay in the US. Below is a list of some of the most popular places for cheap IVF abroad and an average of what you can expect to pay in each country.
IVF costs in Spain
While Spain isn’t the cheapest place in Europe to have IVF treatment, it’s still one of the most popular spots for those looking to do IVF abroad. For a basic IVF procedure, you can expect to pay between $4,200 and $6,000 for your treatment.
If you need to use donor eggs, the cost will be a little over $9,000. Embryo adoption costs around $3,030 and will be in addition to the IVF costs. Thus, you can expect to pay between $4,200 and $9,000, depending on the treatments you need.
IVF costs in Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is one of the cheapest places in Europe to get IVF treatment, and as such, it’s often one of the most common options. The cost for a standard round of IVF costs between $3,200 and $7,000.
If you need to use donor eggs, you can expect to pay between $5,400 and $9,700. Donor sperm costs between $250 and $700. Even with the extras, IVF in the Czech Republic is a fraction of what you’ll pay in the States or the UK.
IVF costs in Greece
Greece is another European location with highly affordable IVF treatment. The cost for a standard IVF treatment will run between $3,600 to $4,200. Like most other countries in Europe, Greece also has a high quality of care.
A cycle of IVF, including egg donation, costs between $6,000 to $7,200 – less than a standard IVF procedure in the US. High success rates and shorter waiting periods make Greece an appealing option.
IVF costs in India
India has some of the lowest IVF abroad prices in the world. An IVF treatment in India will cost between $1,300 to $4,600. This cost will vary based on which city you choose. India’s hospitals and techniques are advanced, giving them high success rates and excellent quality of care.
If you need additional treatments, such as egg donation or ICSI, then your costs can go up to $10,000 per IVF cycle. While this number may seem high, it’s still much lower than you can expect to pay in the US or the UK.
What do IVF costs cover?
The IVF costs listed above cover a standard IVF treatment cycle. The IVF treatment cycle typically includes ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm retrieval, fertilization with the egg and sperm, and then embryo transfer. As shown above, additional treatments will cost extra.
Other costs associated with IVF abroad
The costs listed above don’t include your IVF medications or any extra fees, such as consultation appointments or blood tests for pregnancy. Your medications will cost anywhere from $600 to $1,500, depending on where you go.
As you research clinics, it’s essential to read the fine print to determine exactly what you’re paying for. All too often, a clinic will boast a low price, but once you add on all of their separate fees, you’ll wind up spending way more. Be sure to read everything carefully and calculate what you’ll actually spend.
You’ll usually be out of the country for around ten days to two weeks. You’ll need money to cover the cost of your travel, including passports, flights, hotel stays, and food.
Also, don’t forget to look at discounts, deals and packages from different clinics (learn more: IVF Abroad Packages), this can significantly affect the price and benefits of IVF treatment. Have a look here: IVF packages.
Should cost be the deciding factor?
Cost should never be the determining factor when it comes to your health. You should always seek treatment facilities that offer safe and quality care. It’s important to have your treatment done in a country with healthcare regulations in place and choose a facility that follows these regulations.
Another important consideration is the success rates. If a clinic is cheap but has low success rates, it won’t do you a lot of good. If you wind up having to go through several IVF cycles, you’ll likely spend more than if you’d just stayed in your home country.
Your main goal should be to find a country and a clinic with high success rates and excellent quality of care for a great price. The countries above have clinics that can offer all of these features, and you’ll pay less than you would at home.
Final thoughts
While it may seem like all of these costs will add up, you’ll likely find that even with the extra costs, you can easily find cheap IVF abroad. You’ll probably still pay less than in the US or UK, and you get a vacation as well. By taking a vacation, you’ll lower your stress level, which may help you get pregnant.
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